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1: The angular speed of minute hand of clock in degree per second is

a. 1

b. 0.1

c. 0.01

d. 0.001

2: Which determines the nature of path followed by particle?

a. speed

b. acceleration

c. velocity

d. All of above

3: The direction of angular velocity is

a. away from axis of rotation

b. normal to axis of rotation

c. along axis of rotation

d. all of these

4: The units of angular acceleration


b. \mathbf{[ML^2]} 

c. [ML^{-4}] 

d. all of these

5: A wheel of radius of 1m turns through an angle, it lays out a tangential distance

a. s =

b. s =  

c. r =  

d. all of these

6: The dimensions of moment of inertia are

a. [ML^{-2}] 

b. \mathbf{[ML^2]} 

c. [ML^{-4}] 

d. none of these

7: Torque per unit moment of inertia is equivalent to

a. radius of gyration

b. angular acceleration

c. angular velocity

d. inertia

8: A circular disk starts slipping without rolling down an inclined plane then its velocity

will be





9: A ring is rolling on an inclined plane. The ratio of linear and rotational kinetic energies will be

a. 1:1

b. 1:2

c. 2:1

d. 3:1

10: The relation between the linear and angular velocity




d. all of these

11: A planet which is twin sister of earth is

a. Mars

b. Mercury

c. Jupiter

d. none of these

12: Angular momentum of a rigid body about its axis of rotation is




d. none of these

13: The spin and orbital angular momentum are usually differentiated in terms of

a. radius of bodies

b. mass of bodies

c. direction of bodies

d. all of these

14: If body is moving clockwise, then angular displacement is taken to be

a. positive

b. negative

c. zero

d. maximum

15: Which remains constant in field of central force

a. kinetic energy

b. potential energy

c. linear momentum

d. angular momentum

16: Angular momentum is

a. scalar

b. polar vector

c. axial vector

d. all of these

17: The ratio of angular velocities of hour hand and minute hand of a watch is




d. none of these

18: A mass m is moving with constant acceleration parallel to x-axis, its angular momentum w.r.t. origin will

a. remains constant

b. decrease

c. increase

d. be zero

19: Which one of the following is not unit of angular momentum

a. joule

b. watt

c. Newton

d. none of these

20: The moment of momentum is called

a. impulse

b. angular momentum

c. couple

d. torque

21: The ratio of gravitational mass to inertial mass is





22: Where does a body weigh maximum

a. at equator

b. at moon

c. at poles

d. None of these

23: Newton’s law of gravitation is valid

a. for all bodies

b. only for charged bodies

c. Only for heavenly bodies

d. only for small bodies

24: The weight of a body at center of earth will be



c. Zero

d. infinity

25: The gravitational effect of which of following cause tidal waves in the sea

a. Sun

b. earth

c. moon

d. all of these

26: The gravitational mass of a body is M. The inertial mass of same body on moon will be


b. zero



27: A stone is dropped freely into a tunnel along diameter of earth, when it reaches the center of earth then it possesses only

a. weight

b. mass

c. kinetic energy

d. both b and c

28: The escape speed from a planet of mass m and radius r is




d. none of these

29: At what angle with the horizontal should a projectile be fired with escape velocity to enable it from gravitational pull of earth

a. at any angle

b. less than  

c. greater than  


30: Gravitational forces are

a. strong

b. short strong

c. weak

d. non-central

31: Angle between viscous force and direction of flow of liquid is




d. None of these

32: A needle keeps floating on water surface. The reason for this is

a. size of needle

b. surface tension

c. cohesive force

d. adhesive force

33: The ratio of normal stress to volumetric strain is called

a. Bulk modulus

b. Young modulus

c. modulus of rigidity

d. all of these

34: The cause of viscosity of liquid is

a. diffusion

b. cohesive force

c. adhesive force

d. gravitational force

35: Bernoulli’s equation is based on conservation of

a. mass

b. energy

c. momentum

d. all of these

36: When a soap bubble is charged, then it

a. expands

b. contracts

c. remains unchanged

d. becomes erroneous

37: The unit of coefficient of viscosity is S.I. system is





38: Surface tension can be expressed in




d. none of these

39: The surface tension of cold water as compared to that of hot water is

a. less

b. more

c. equal

d. cannot be predicted

40: A weightless rubber balloon has 100 g of water in it. Its weight in water will be

a. 100 g

b. 200 g

c. 50 g

d. zero

41: If speed of light were infinity instead of c, then moving mass will become




d. zero

42: A frame of reference which remains at rest or moves with uniform velocity is called

a. uniform frame

b. variable frame

c. inertial frame

d. non-inertial frame

43: According to special theory of relativity, the law of physics are same in all

a. inertial frames

b. non-inertial frames

c. accelerated frames

d. all of these

44: Two photons recede from each other. Their relative velocity will be



c. zero


45: Decay of µ-meson supports

a. length contraction

b. time dilation

c. relativity of mass

d. simultaneity

46: The postulate of special theory of relativity are applicable to

a. stationary frame

b. accelerated frame

c. inertial frame

d. all of above

47: The statement “all inertial frames are equivalent” is called principal of

a. inertia

b. relative motion

c. equivalence

d. correspondence

48: velocity of light in free space




d. none of these

49: which of the following relation is valid in special theory of relativity





50: Special theory of relativity deals with the events in the frames of reference which moves with constant

a. velocity

b. acceleration

c. time interval

d. momentum

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