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Waves and Oscillation

1: In Hooke’s Law, F = -kx, the constant k is called the

a. Spring constant

b. Speed constant

c. Time

d. Velocity

2: If spring is stiff, then the value of k is

a. Small

b. Moderate

c. Large

d. Approx. zero

3: Oscillations are damped due to the presence of

a. Mechanical force

b. Restoring force

c. Linear motion

d. Frictional force

4: Shock absorbers in automobiles are one particle application of

a. Random motion

b. Damped motion

c. Simple harmonic motion

d. Linear motion

5: The number of vibrations of a body in one sec is called

a. Vibration

b. Frequency

c. Time period

d. Amplitude

6: The ratio of frequencies of two pendulums is 2:3 then their lengths are in ratio

a. \sqrt{\frac{33}{2}}

b. \sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}

c. \frac{4}{9}

d. \mathbf{ \frac{9}{4}}

7: In SHM of a simple pendulum, the component of weight which is directed towards mean position is

a. mg tan θ

b. mg cos θ

c. mg sin θ

d. None of above

8: A spring (spring constant = k) is cut into 4 equal parts and two parts are connected in parallel. what is the effective spring constant

a. 4 k

b. 6 k

c. 8 k

d. 16 k

9: Another term is used for vibration called

a. Oscillation

b. Motion

c. Association

d. Floatation

10: The total energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is

a. x2

b. Independent of x

c. \sqrt x

d. x

11: When a pebble is dropped into a pond of still water, what happens

a. The pebble moves

b. Particles move

c. Waves move

d. Water moves

12: The electromagnetic waves ranging in frequencies between 3 kHz and 1 GHz are called

a. Radio waves

b. Microwaves

c. Infrared

d. High frequency

13: Any two shortest points in a wave that are in phase are termed as

a. Wave distance

b. Wavelength

c. Amplitude

d. Phase length

14: Time taken to complete a wave is termed as

a. Duration

b. Life

c. Period

d. Span

15: Energy can be transferred from one place to another through

a. Circular motion

b. Force

c. Waves

d. Linear motion

16: What are the essential properties a medium must possess for the propagation of mechanical waves

a. Maximum friction

b. Constant temperature

c. Stable pressure

d. Minimum friction

17: In which medium sound travels faster

a. Gas

b. Liquid

c. Solid

d. Water vapor

18: Which of the following is also known as pressure waves

a. Longitudinal waves

b. Electromagnetic waves

c. Mechanical waves

d. Transverse waves

19: What is the most fundamental property of wave

a. Temperature

b. Pressure

c. Frequency

d. Wavelength

20: Which of the following waves can be transmitted through solids, liquids and gases

a. Transverse waves

b. Electromagnetic waves

c. Mechanical waves

d. Longitudinal waves

21: A change in observed frequency of a wave when source or detector moves relative to transmitting medium is called:

a. Doppler effect

b. Thermal effect

c. Newton’s effect

d. Elastic effect

22: If the fundamental frequency of a guitar string is 220 Hz, the frequency of the second harmonic is

a. 110 Hz

b. 220 Hz

c. 440 Hz

d. 880 Hz

23: What is the beat frequency of two waves with frequencies of 258 Hz and 262 Hz

a. 2 Hz

b. 4 Hz

c. 8 Hz

d. 260 Hz

24: The Doppler’s effect is applicable for

a. Light waves

b. Sound waves

c. Space waves

d. Both a and b

25: The beats frequency (sensible) for a human car is

a. 7 Hz

b. 42 Hz

c. 256 Hz

d. 262 Hz

26: Silence zone takes place due to

a. Constructive interference

b. Destructive interference

c. Beats

d. Resonance

27: The apparent frequency in Doppler’s effect does not depend upon

a. Speed of the observer

b. Speed of the source

c. Frequency of the source

d. Distance between the observer and source

28: When sound travels from air to water, which parameter does not change

a. Wavelength

b. Frequency

c. Velocity

d. Temperature

29: A motorcycle is receding at 15 ms-1. Normally, the exhaust note has frequency 105 Hz. determine the perceived frequency if the speed of sound is 340.9 ms-1.

a. 93.1 Hz

b. 9120 Hz

c. 95.5 Hz

d. 100.6 Hz

30: Which phenomena can be applied to estimate the velocity of star with respect to Earth

a. Doppler’s effect

b. Interference of waves

c. Beats phenomena

d. All of these

31: The frequency of oscillation is . . . . . . because the pendulum is always out of phase

a. Less

b. Greater

c. Minimum

d. Maximum

32: The oscillation in which no power is consumes and continuous energy transfer one oscillator to another is called . . . . . .

a. Coupled Oscillator

b. S.H.O.

c. S.H.M

d. Damped Oscillator

33: The number of different ways in which the system can take up energy defines its

a. Degree of freedom

b. No of normal coordinates

c. Both (a) & (b)

d. None

34: Each harmonic oscillator has . . . . . . degree of freedom

a. Two

b. One

c. Zero

d. Five

35: System of two coupled pendulum has . . . . . . normal coordinates

a. Zero

b. Two & Three

c. Four & five

d. Four

36: Beats occurs between two oscillations of

a. Equal frequencies

b. Exactly opposite frequencies

c. Different frequencies

d. None

37: Cut-off frequency of oscillations is at

a. Max. Frequency

b. Min. Frequency

c. Zero Frequency

d. None

38: The lowest vibrating frequency of the instrument is called

a. Fundamental frequency

b. Natural frequency

c. Resonance frequency

d. None

39: When periodic force of a frequency equal to the natural frequency of the body is applied this is known as

a. Fundamental frequency

b. Natural frequency

c. Resonance

d. None

40: In the case of closed end pipe, only the . . . . . . harmonics are produced

a. Even

b. Odd

c. Both a & b

d. None reflection

41: What principle is responsible for light spreading as it passes through a narrow slit

a. Refraction

b. Polarization

c. Diffraction

d. Interference

42: What principle is responsible for alternating light and dark bands when light passes through two or more narrow slits

a. Refraction

b. Polarization

c. Diffraction

d. Interference

43: Constructive interference happens when two waves are

a. Out of phase

b. Zero amplitude

c. In phase

d. In front

44: Two waves with phase difference 180have resultant of amplitude

a. One

b. Zero

c. Doubles the single wave

d. Same as the single wave

45: What principle is responsible for the fact that certain sunglasses can reduce glare from reflected surfaces

a. Refraction

b. Polarization

c. Diffraction

d. Total internal reflection

46: Extra distance traveled by one of waves compared with other is called

a. Displacement

b. Path

c. Phase difference

d. Path difference

47: Light has a wavelength of 600 nm in a vacuum. It passes into glass, which has an index of refraction of 1.50. What is the wavelength of the light in the glass

a. 600 nm

b. 500 nm

c. 300 nm

d. 400 nm

48: A diffraction grating has 4000 lines per cm. The angle between the central maximum and the third order maximum is 36o. What is the wavelength of the light.

a. 240 nm

b. 570 nm

c. 490 nm

d. 620 nm

49: Which of the following effects occurs for transverse waves but not for longitudinal


a. Interference

b. Diffraction

c. Refraction

d. Polarization

50: The principle which allows a rainbow to form is

a. Refraction

b. Dispersion

c. Diffraction

d. Total internal reflectionA

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