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Atomic & Molecular Physics

1: Atom cannot be divided into simple units theorized by

a. Rutherford

b. Dalton

c. Bohr

d. Schrodinger

2: Rutherford’s -particle experiment showed that the atoms have

a. Proton

b. Neutron

c. Nucleus

d. Electrons

3: In Rutherford’s a-particle scattering experiment, what will be correct angle for a scattering for an impact parameter b=0





4: In the ground state in A electrons are in stable equilibrium while in B electrons always
experiences a net force. Here, A and B refer to

a. Dalton’s theory, Rutherford model

b. Rutherford’s model, Bohr’s model

c. Rutherford’s model, Thomson’s model

d. Thomson’s model, Rutherford’s model

5: Classically, the circular path of an electron in Rutherford atom model is

a. Spiral

b. Circular

c. Parabolic

d.Straight line

6: In terms of Bohr radius r◦, the radius of the second Bohr orbit of a hydrogen atom is given by





7: The angular momentum of the electron in hydrogen atom in the ground state is





8: According to the Rutherford’s atomic model, the electrons inside the atom are

a. Stationary

b. Not stationary

c. Centralized

d. None of these

9: In the Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom, the ratio of the kinetic energy to the total energy of the electron in a quantum state n is

a. 1

b. -1

c. 2

d. -2

10: Sommerfeld’s modification in Bohr’s model is

a. Orbit is cylindrical

b. Orbit is elliptical

c. Orbit is longitudinal

d. Orbit is asymmetrical

11: The selection rules are





12: The maximum number of electrons which can be present in a subshell can be represented by





13: The radiations emitted from hydrogen filled discharge tube shows the

a. Band spectrum

b. Line spectrum

c. Continuous spectrum

d. Absorption spectrum

14: X-rays are similar in nature to

a. Cathode rays

b. Positive rays

c. Gama rays

d. Beta rays

15: The maximum number of electrons that can fit in all the orbits with n = 2 and l = 1

a. 2

b. 4

c. 8

d. 6

16: How many orbitals can have the following quantum numbers, n = 3 , l = 1, ml = 0

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

17: Which of the following quantum numbers governs the spatial orientation of an atomic

a. Azimuthal quantum number

b. Principal quantum number

c. Magnetic quantum number

d. Spin quantum number

18: Which of the following quantum numbers can distinguish between two electrons present in the same orbital?

a. Azimuthal quantum number

b. Principal quantum number

c. Magnetic quantum number

d. Spin quantum number

19: Magnetic dipole moment is defined as

a. µ =

b. µ = IA

c. µ =

d. None of these

20: The value of Bohr magneton is

a.  =

b.  =  

c.  =

d.  =   

21: The experiment which 1st detect the spin of electron is

a. Davis and Garmer

b. Stern Garlach              

c. G.P Thomson                 

d. None

22: The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in a shell is

a. 2n2                                  

b. 2n3                     

c. 7                         

d. 8

23: The n + l value of 6p orbital is

a. 5                     

b. 3                     

c. 7                     

d. 8

24: The spectral term for the atom with 70% filled subshell and only s = 3/2 is

a. 3p0                     

b. 4fa/2                   

c. 3f1/2                    

d. 4f1/2

25: The degeneracy of the spectral term 3f is

a. 7                     

b. 9                     

c. 21                   

d. 15

26: For normalization wave function ψ → 0 as r → −

a. 0                     

b. 1                     

c. 1                  


27: The wavefunction having symmetry property is called

a. Zero                     

b. Even                   

c. Infinite

d. Odd

28: Central potential of a function of

a. r                     

b. θ                     

c. ϕ                     

d. r and θ

29: How many orbits can have the quantum numbers n = 3, l = 1, mi = 0?

a. 4                     

b. 2                     

c. 1                     

d. 3

30: Which of the following is the correct expression for the magnetic moment of the electron





31: The hyperfine structure of Na  with nuclear spin I = 3/2 has

a. One state

b. Two state

c. Three state

d. Four state

32: Cesium has nuclear spin of 7/2. The hyperfine spectrum of the D-lines of the Cesium atom will consist of

a. 10 lines

b. 4 lines

c. 6 lines

d. 14 lines

33: Consider the Zeeman splitting of a single electron system for the d → 3p electric dipole transition. The Zeeman spectrum is

a. Randomly polarized

b. Only  polarized

c. Only  polarized

d. Both

34: An atom with one outer electron having orbital angular momentum l is placed in a
weak magnetic field. The number of energy levels into is





35: The number of normal Zeeman splitting components of 1P →1 D transition is

a. 3

b. 4

c. 8

d. 9

36: Splitting of spectral lines in presence of external electric field is known as

a. Zeeman effect

b. Paschen back effect

c. Compton effect

d. Stark effect

37: Assuming that L – S coupling scheme is valid the number of permitted transitions from to 2  to 2s1/2 due to a weak magnetic field is

a. 2

b. 6

c. 4

d. 10

38: The principal series of spectral lines of lithium is obtained by transitions between

a.  and




39: The total number of Zeeman components observed in an electronic transition 2d5/2 -→2
p3/2 of an atom in a weak field is

a. 4

b. 6

c. 12

d. 10

40: The number of hyperfine components observed in the electronic transition 2p1/2 2
s1/2 of an atom with nuclear spin 1/2 is

a. 3

b. 4

c. 6

d. 5

41: If an atom has four unpaired electrons. What is likely to be the total spin of the electron

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

42: The electronic configuration is written as 1s2, 2s2, 2p4. Which rule will this configuration be violating

a. Aufbau’s principle

b. Hund’s rule

c. Pauli exclusion principle

d. None of these

43: The octet rule is not valid for the molecule





44: Almost 95% of compounds are of carbon because they can form

a. Single bonds

b. Double bonds

c. Triple bonds

d. Multiple bonds

45: The rate of reaction of organic compounds is slow due to

a. Covalent binding

b. Coordinate covalent bonding

c. Ionic bonding

d. Amphoteric nature

46: The rotational partition function for a diatomic molecule of moment of inertia I at a
temperature T is given by





47: All vibrations producing a change in the electronic dipole moment of a molecule yield

a. Raman spectra

b. Infrared spectra

c. Ultra-violet spectra

d. X-ray spectra

48: The typical Raman shifted frequency depends on


b. Only

c. Only

d. Neither  nor

49: Light of wavelength 1.5 µm incident on a material with a characteristic Raman frequency of 2 × 1012 Hz results in a stokes-shifted line of wavelength





50: The separation between the first stokes and corresponding anti-stokes lines of the rotational Raman spectrum in terms of the rotational constant, B is

a. 2B

b. 4B

c. 6B

d. 10B

51: In He-Ne laser the lasing action is produced by

a. Ne only

b. He-Ne both

c. Electrons of He

d. Electrons of Ne

52: Excited atoms return to their ground state in

a. 10-10 s

b. 10-9 s

c. 10-8 s

d. 10-6 s

53: The radiations emitted from hydrogen filled discharge tube shows the

a. Band spectrum

b. Line spectrum

c. Continuous spectrum

d. Absorption spectrum

54: The meta-stable state for an atom in laser light is

a. 10-4 sec

b. 10-5 sec

c. 10-3 sec

d. 10-8 sec

55: The radiations emitted by hot bodies are called as

a. X-rays

b. Black-body radiations

c. Gamma radiation

d. Visible light

56: Which one of the following electronic transitions in neon is not responsible for LASER
action in He-Ne laser

a. 6s → 5s

b. 5s → 4p

c. 5s → 3p

d. 4s → 3p

57: For an object other than a black body, it’s emissivity, e is

a. 1

b. 0 < e < 1

c. e > 1

d. e = 0

58: An iron rod is heated. The colors at different temperatures are noted. Which of the
following color shows that the iron rod is at the lowest temperature

a. Red

b. Orange

c. White

d. Blue

59: In laser production the state in which more atoms are in the upper state than in the
lower one is called

a. Metal stable state

b. Inverted population

c. Normal state

d. All the above

60: As the wavelength of the radiation decreases, the intensity of the black body radiations

a. Increases

b. Decreases

c. First increases then decrease

d. First decreases then increase

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