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Solid State Physics-II

1: Which method can be used to distinguish between the two types of carriers

a. Hall effect

b. Rayleigh method

c. Doppler effect

d. Fermi effect

2: Current is flowing in two long parallel conductors in the same direction. The conductors · · · each other

a. Are inclined to

b. Repel

c. Attract

d. Neither attract nor repel

3: Cathode rays enter in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to direction of field. In magnetic field their path will be

a. Circle

b. Parabolic

c. Straight line

d. Elliptical

4: The force experienced by a charged particle in magnetic field is maximum when particle move in a direction

a. Perpendicular to  

b. Parallel to  

c. Is at rest

d. None of these

5: A particle moving in a magnetic field has an increase in its velocity then its radius of circle

a. Becomes half

b. Increases

c. Decreases

d. Remains same

6: If relative permeability of a substance is 0.79, then it is · · · material

a. Diamagnetic

b. Paramagnetic

c. Ferromagnetic

d. None of these

7: An electron enters a magnetic field acting vertically downward with a velocity v from east. The electron is deflected along

a. South

b. North

c. Southeast

d. Northeast

8: A charged particle moves through a magnetic field in a direction perpendicular to it. Then · · · remains unchanged

a. Direction

b. Speed

c. Velocity

d. Acceleration

9: Magnetic dipole moment is defined as

a. \mu =\frac{I}{A}

b. \mu =\frac{A}{I} 

c. µ = IA

d. None of these

10: Which define the relation between magnetic torque and magnetic dipole moment

a.  \vec{\tau}\ =\vec{\mu}\ \times\ \vec{B}

b. \vec{\tau}=\vec{\mu} . B 

c. \vec{\tau}\ =\ -\vec{\mu}\ .\vec{B} 

d. None of these

11: Resistivity (Ohm – m) of semiconductor varies

a. \mathbf{{10}^{-5}\ -\ {10}^4} 

b. {10}^{-6}\ -\ {10}^3 

c. {10}^{-4}\ -\ {10}^5 

d. {10}^5\ -\ {10}^{-5} 

12: Semiconductor compound is

a. Germanium

b. Sodium Chloride

c. Gallium Arsenide

d. Sodium Phosphate

13: Orbital of valance conducting band overlap in

a. Metals

b. Semiconductors

c. Conductors

d. Semi-metals

14: At 0K the valance band in intrinsic semiconductor is

a. Completely filled

b. Complete empty

c. Partially filled

d. Almost filled

15: In intrinsic semiconductor rate of generation of carrier’s ‘g” depends on

a. Volume

b. Temperature

c. Pressure

d. Entropy

16: Popping ratio is

a. {10}^4\ -\ {10}^8 

b. \mathbf{{10}^6\ -\ {10}^8} 

c. {10}^7\ -\ {10}^9 

d. {10}^3\ -\ {10}^6

17: N-type semiconductors are made by adding

a. Group III 

b. Group VI 

c. Period III 

d. Period VI

18: Both n and p type doping are charged

a. Neutral

b. Positive

c. Negative

d. Region dependent

19: With increasing depth in valance band the hole probability. . ..

a. Increases exponentially

b. Decreases exponentially

c. Increases linearly

d. Decreases linearly

20: Current density and drift velocity depends on

a. External electric field

b. External magnetic field

c. Both

d. Independent

21: The strongest diamagnetic material is

a. Bismuth

b. Hydrogen

c. Helium

d. Neon

22: The temperature at which ferromagnetic material changes into paramagnetic material is known as

a. Critical temp

b. Temp. inversion

c. Debye temp

d. Curie’s temp.

23: Which of the following magnetic substance can have positive permeability and negative susceptibility

a. Ferromagnetic

b. Paramagnetic

c. Diamagnetic

d. None

24: The susceptibility of diamagnetic material is

a. Very large

b. Small but positive

c. Small but negative

d. Zero

25: Paramagnetic susceptibility varies as

a. T 

b. T^2 

c. T^{-2} 

d. \mathbf{T^{-1}}

26: Curie-Weiss law is

a. \chi_m\ =\frac{C}{T} 

b. \chi_m\ =\frac{C}{\theta}

c. \mathbf{\chi_m\ =\frac{C}{T-\theta}}

d. \chi_m\ =\frac{T-\theta}{C}

27: Which of the following is diamagnetic

a. Water

b. Air

c. Copper sulphate

d. Liquid oxygen

28: The relation between magnetic susceptibility and relative permeability is

a. \chi\ =\ 1\ -\ \mu_r 

b. \chi\ =\ 1\ +\ \mu_r 

c. \mu_r=\ 1\ -\ \chi

d. \mathbf{\mu_r==\ 1\ +\ \chi}

29: The relative permeability of air is

a. 1

b. 1.3

c. 0.5

d. 2

30: The most suitable material for making permanent magnet is

a. Nickel

b. Copper

c. Steel

d. Soft iron

31: Superconductivity was first discovered by

a. Meissner and Schoenfeld

b. C.H. Townes

c. H. Kamerlingh Onnes

d. C.A. Reynolds

32: The metal mercury becomes superconductor at

a. \mathbf{4.15\ K } 

b. 4.15\ \ \deg c 

c. 4.15\ ^of 

d. 4.15\ R

33: A superconductor has

a. Zero conductivity

b. Infinite resistivity

c. Infinite conductivity

d. None

34: Magnetic susceptibility of superconductors is given by

a. \mathbf{\chi\ =\ -1 } 

b. \chi\ =\ 0 

c. \ \chi\ =\ 1

d. \ \chi\ >>\ 1

35: The temperature at which a metal becomes super-conducting is called

a. Neel temp

b. Curie’s temp

c. Meissner point

d. Transition temp

36: Superconductivity is usually exhibited at temperatures

a. Low

b. High

c. Very high

d. None of these

37: Which of the property is not exhibited by superconductors

a. µr = 0 

b. Copper loss = 0

c. \mathbf{B\neq\ 0 } 

d. \chi\ =\ -1

38: According to isotope effect, the transition temperature Tc for superconductor is proportional to

a. \mathbf{M^{-\frac{1}{2}}} 

b. M^{-\frac{1}{4}}

c. \sqrt M 

d. -\frac{1}{M}

39: BCS theory is an attempt to explain

a. Magnetism

b. Superconductivity

c. Thermoelectric effect

d. Heating effect

40: In a particular superconductor, transition takes place gradually, it belongs to

a. Type-I 

b. Type-II

c. Type-I and Type-II both

d. None of these

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