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Chapter#3: Bolean Algebra and Logic Simplification

All exercise Short Questions of Bolean Algebra and Logic Simplification of Digital Electronics book for BS/MSc Physics students.

Q.1 Determine the value of A,B,C  and D that make the sum term A+B+C+D equal to 0.

Q.2 Determine the values of A,B,C and D that make the product term ABCD equal to 1.

Q.3 If A, what does  A^ equal?

Q.4 Determine the values of A,B and C that makes the sum term \bar{A}+\bar{B}+\bar{C} equal to 0.

Q.5 Apply the distributive law to the expression A(B+C+D).

Q.6 Apply DeMorgan’s theorem to each of the following expression

(a) \overline{(A+B+C)D}        (b) \overline{ABC+DEF}       (c) \overline{A\bar{B}+C\bar{D}+EF}

Q.7 Apply DeMorgan’s theorem to each of the following expression

(a) \overline{\left(A+B\right)+C}           (b) \overline{\left(\bar{A}+B\right)+CD}      (c) \overline{\left(A+B\right)\bar{C}\bar{D}+E+\bar{F}}

Q.8 The Boolean expression for an exclusive-OR gate is A\bar{B}+\bar{A}. With  this a starting point, use DeMorgan’s theorem and any other rules or laws that are applicable to develop an expression for the exclusive-NOR gate.

Q.9 Use a Karnaugh map to minimize the following POS expression:


Q.10 Map the following SOP expression on a Karnaugh map:


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