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Chapter#8: Shift Register

All exercise Short Questions of Shift Register of Digital Electronics book for BS/MSc Physics students.

Q.1 Generally, what is difference between a counter and a shift register?

Q.2 What two principle functions are performed by a shift register?

Q.3 How many clock pulses are required to enter a byte of data serially into an 8-bit shift register?

Q.4 The bit sequence 1101 is serially entered (right-most bit first) into a 4-bit parallel out shift register that is initially clear. What are the Q output after two clock pulses?

Q.5 How can a serial in/parallel out register be used as a serial in/serial our register?

Q.6 Explain the function of the SHIFT/\overline{LOAD} input.

Q.7 Is the parallel load operation in a 74HC165 shift register synchronous or asynchronous? What does this mean?

Q.8 How many state are there in an 8-bit Johnson counter sequence?

Q.9  Write the sequence of states for a 3-bit Johnson counter starting with 000.

Q.10 What is Q state parallel loading?

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