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Digital Electronics

1: A pulse in a certain waveform has a frequency of . It repeats itself every

a. 1 msec

b. 20 msec

c. 50 msec

d. None

2: In a certain digital waveform, the period is four times the pulse width. The duty cycle is

a. 25%

b. 50%

c. 75%

d. 100%

3: The weight of the 1 in the binary number 10000

a. 20

b. 22

c. 23

d. 24

4: Which odd parity code is in error

a. 1011

b. 1110

c. 0101

d. 1000

5: Which even parity code is in error

a. 1100011

b. 0010100

c. 1010101

d. 1111100

6: The decimal equivalent of 1000 is

a. 2

b. 4

c. 6

d. 8

7: The difference of 1000-100 equals

a. 100

b. 101

c. 110

d. 111

8: The decimal number  is expressed in the s complement form as

a. 01111010

b. 10100010

c. 11011110

d. 01011101

9: A single-precision floating-point binary number has a total of

a. 8 bits

b. 16 bits

c. 24 bits

d. 32 bits

10: The octal number 25 has a binary equivalent

a. 001011

b. 010101

c. 110011

d. 100101

11: . . .. gate is used for conjunction operation

a. NOT

b. OR

c. AND

d. X-OR

12: An inverter performs an operation known as

a. Complementation

b. Assertion

c. Inversion

d. Both a and c

13: The output of an AND gate with inputs A and B is low when

a. A=B=0

b. A=B=1

c. A=0, B=1

d. both a and c

14: The output of an OR gate with inputs A and B is low when

a. A=B=0

b. A=B=1

c. A=0, B=1

d. Both a and c

15:  A positive-going pulse is applied to an inverter. The time interval from the leading
edge of the input to the leading edge of the output is 7nsec. This parameter is

a. \mathbf{t_{PHL}}

b. t_W

c. tPLH

d. None

16: The AND operation can be produced with

a. Two NAND gates

b. Three NAND gates

c. Two NOR gates

d.One NOR gate

17: The OR operation can be produced with

a. Two NOR gates

b. Three NAND gates

c. Two OR gates

d. Both a and b

18: The expression of XOR gate is

a. A\oplus B

b. A\bar{B}+\bar{A}B


d. Both a and b

19: The expression of XNOR gate is

a. (\bar{A}+B)(A+\bar{B})

b. \bar{A\ }\bar{B}+AB

c. A\bar{B}+\bar{A}B

d. All

20: The universal gate(s) is/are


b. NOR

c. NOT

d. Both a and b

21: A variable is a symbol in a Boolean algebra used to represent

a. Data

b. A condition

c. An action

d. All of these

22: The domain of the expression ABCD ¯ + AB¯ + CD ¯ is

a. A and B

b. C and D

c. A, B, C and D

d. All of these

23: According to commutative law of multiplication

a. AB=BA

b. A=AA

c. (AB)C=A(BC)

d. A.0=A

24: Which of the following is not a valid rule of Boolean algebra   

a. A+1=1

b. \mathbf{A=\bar{A}}

c. AA=A

d. A+0=A

25: A 3-bit parallel adder can add

a. Three 2-bit binary number

b. Two 3-bit binary number

c. Three bit at a time

d. Three bit in a sequence

26: Which of the following rules states that if one input of an AND gate is always 1, the
output is equal to the other input

a. A+1=1

b. A+A=A

c. A. A=A

d. A+1=A

27: An example of a sum-of-products expression is

a. A+B(C+D)

b. \mathbf{\bar{A}B+A\bar{C}+A\bar{B}C}

c. (\bar{A}+B+C)(A+\bar{B}+C) 

d. Both a and b

28: An example of a standard SOP expression is

a. \bar{A}B+A\bar{B}C

b. A\bar{B}C+A\bar{C}D

c. \mathbf{A\bar{B}+\bar{A}B}

d. A+BC 

29: An active-HIGH input S-R latch id formed by the cross coupling of

a. Two NOR gates

b. Two NAND gates

c. Two OR gates

d. Two AND gates

30: An active-LOW input S¯ – R¯ latch is formed by the cross coupling of

a. Two NOR gates

b. Two NAND gates

c. Two OR gates

d. Two AND gates

31: Which of the following is not true for an active LOW input S¯ – R¯ latch

a. \bar{S}=\bar{R}=1,Q=no\ change,\bar{Q}=no\ change

b. \bar{S}=0,\bar{R}=1,\bar{Q}=1,\bar{Q}=0

c. \mathbf{\bar{S}=1,\bar{R}=0,Q=1,\bar{Q}=0}

d. \bar{S}=\bar{R}=0,Q=1,\bar{Q}=1

32: For what combinations of the inputs D and EN will a D latch reset

a. D=0,EN=0

b. D=0,EN=1

c. D=1,EN=0

d. D=1,EN=1

33: A flip-flop changes its state during the . . . . . . clock pulse

a. Complete

b. Rising edge of

c. Falling edge of

d. Both b and c

34: A feature that distinguishes the J – K flip-flop from the D flip-flop is the

a. Toggle condition

b. Preset input

c. Clear input

d. Edge triggered

35: A flip-flop is SET when

a. J=K=0

b. J=K=1

c. J=1,K=0

d. J=0,K=1

36: A J – k flip-flop with J = K = 1 has a 10kHz clock input. The Q output is

a. Constantly HIGH

b. Constantly LOW

c. A  square wave

d. A  square wave

37: A one-shot is a type of . . . . . . multivibrator

a. Monostable

b. Astable

c. Bistable

d. None of these

38: The output pulse width of a one-shot depends on

a. Resistor

b. Capacitor

c. The supply voltage

d. Both a and b

39: A decade counter with a count of 0000 through 1001 is known as

a. ABCD counter

b. A binary counter

c. A decimal counter

d. None

40: A 3-bit binary counter has a maximum modulus of

a. 3

b. 6

c. 8

d. 16

41: A 5-bit binary counter has a maximum modulus of

a. 4

b. 8

c. 16

d. 32

42: A modulus-12 counter must have . . . . . . flip-flops

a. 12

b. 8

c. 4

d. 2

43: Which one of the following is an example of a counter with a truncated modulus

a. Modulus 8

b. Modulus 14

c. Modulus 4

d. Modulus 16

44: A BCD counter is an example of

a. A decade counter

b. A truncated-modulus counter

c. Both a and b

d. None

45: Which of the following is a valid state in an 8421 BCD counter

a. 1010

b. 1011

c. 1111

d. 1000

46: Three cascaded modulus-10 counters have an overall modulus of

a. 30

b. 100

c. 500

d. 1000

47: A 4-bit binary up/down counter is in the binary state of zero. The next state in the
DOWN mode is

a. 0001

b. 1111

c. 1000

d. 1110

48: The initial counter of a modulus-13 binary counter is

a. 0000

b. 1111

c. 1101

d. 1100

49: A CPLD is a

a. Controlled program logic device

b. Complex program logic device

c. Complex programmable logic device

d. Central programmable logic device

50: An FPGA is a

a. Field-programmable gate array

b. Fast-programmable gate array

c. Flash-programmable gate array

d. Flag-programmable gate array

51: A fixed-function IC package containing four AND gates is an example of

a. SSI

b. MSI

c. LSI

d. SMT

52: An MSI device has a circuit complexity of from . . . . . . equivalent gates on a chip

a. 10 to 100

b. 100 to 10000

c. 150 to 200

d. None

53: A fixed-function IC package containing 150 OR gates are an example of

a. MSI

b. SMT


d. LSI

54: A VLSi device has a circuit complexity of from . . . . . . equivalent gate per chip

a. 0 to10

b. 10 to 100

c. More than 10000 to 100000

d. None

55: Most PLDs utilize an array of . . . . . . gate

a. NOT

b. NOR

c. OR

d. AND

56: The rows and columns of the interconnection matrix in an SPLD are connected using

a. Fuses

b. Switches

c. Gates

d. Transistors

57: An EPROM can be programmed using

a. Transistors

b. Diodes

c. Multiprogrammer

d. A device programmer

58: A macrocell is part of a

a. PAL

b. GAL


d. All of these

59: When the frequency of the input signal to a CMOS gate is increased, the average power

a. Decrease

b. Increase

c. Constant

d. None

60: CMOS operates more reliably than TTL in a high-noise environment because of its

a. Lower noise margin

b. Higher noise margin

c. Input capacitance

d. Smaller power

61: Proper handling of a CMOS device is necessary because of its

a. Low power

b. Construction

c. High-noise immunity

d. Susceptibility to electrostatic discharge

62: Which of the following is not a TTL circuit?

a. 74F00

b. 74AS00

c. 74HC00

d. 74LSS00

63: An LS TTL gate can derive a maximum of . . . . . . unit loads

a. 10

b. 20

c. 40

d. None

64: The main advantage of ECL over TTL or CMOS is

a. ECL is less expensive

b. ECL is faster

c. ECL consume less power

d. None

65: ECL cannot be used in

a. Heigh-noise environment

b. High frequency application

c. Low-noise environment

d. None

66: Power dissipation is smaller in

a. TTL


c. ECL

d. None

67: Pull up resistor is connected to

a. Ground



d. None

68: An unconnected input on a TTL gate acts as a

a. Low

b. High

c. Ground

d. None

69: A register’s function include

a. Data storage

b. Data movement

c. Both a and b

d. None

70: To enter a byte of data serially into an 8-bit shift register, there must be

a. One clock pulse

b. Two clock pulses

c. Four clock pulses

d. Eight clock pulses

71: To parallel load a byte of date into a shift register with a synchronous load, there must

a. One clock pulse

b. Two clock pulses

c. Four clock pulses

d. Eight clock pulses

72: With a 100kHz clock frequency, eight bits can be serially entered into a shift register

a. 8\mu sec

b. \mathbf{ 80\mu sec}


d. 80msec

73: A modulus-8 Johnson counter requires . . . . . . flip-flops

a. 2

b. 4

c. 8

d. 10

74: A modulus-8 ring counter requires . . . . . . flip-flops

a. 2

b. 4

c. 8

d. 10

75: When an 8-bit serial in/serial out shift register is used for a 24µsec time delay, the
clock frequency must be

a. 4MHz


c. 333kHz


76: Serial in/parallel out shift register IC is

a. 74HC164

b. 74HC165

c. 74HC64

d. None

77: Parallel in/serial out shift register IC is

a. 74HC164

b. 74HC165

c. 74HC64

d. 74HC65

78: Universal bidirectional shift register IC is

a. 74HC164

b. 74HC165

c. 74HC194


79: Which of the following is not a type of ADC?

a. Flash ADC

b. Dual slope ADC

c. Sigma-delta ADC

d. Recessive Approximation ADC

80: An Op-Amp is a linear amplifier which has . . . . . . terminals

a. 2

b. 3

c. 5

d. 6

81: Generally, an analog signal can be reconstructed more accurately with

a. More quantization levels

b. Fewer quantization levels

c. ADC

d. DAC

82: A digital voltmeter uses a . . . . . . ADC

a. Flash

b. Sigma-delta

c. Dual-slope

d. None

83: The . . . . . . is an example of a successive-approximation ADC

a. ADC0804

b. ADC8004

c. ADC4008

d. ADC8040

84: DSPs are typically programmed in

a. The Fortran language

b. The C programming language

c. Both a and b

d. None

85: A digital signal processing system usually operates in

a. Real time

b. Imaginary time

c. Computer time

d. None

86: 2-bit binary-weighted input digital-to-analog converter requires . . . . . . resistors

a. 1

b. 2

c. 4

d. 8

87: Flash ADC provides a fast conversion time because of a high

a. Number of comparators

b. Throughput

c. Fanout

d. None

88: Which one is not the performance characteristics of a DAC

a. Resolution

b. Accuracy

c. Linearity

d. Digital signal processing

89: 1-to-16 DEMUX IC is

a. 74HC154

b. 74HC54

c. 74HC196

d. 74HC190

90: A dual four-input data selector IC is

a. 74HC154

b. 74HC151

c. 74HC153

d. 74HC152

91: An eight-input data selector IC is

a. 74HC151

b. 74HC152

c. 74HC153

d. 74HC154

92: A decimal-to-BCD priority encoder IC is

a. 74HC146

b. 74HC147

c. 74HC153

d. 74HC152

93: IC that decodes a BCD input and drives a 7-segment display is

a. 74HC146

b. 74HC147

c. 74HC46

d. 74HC47

94: The 1-of-16 decoder IC is

a. 74HC154

b. 74HC147

c. 74HC166

d. 74HC157

95: If a 1-of-16 decoder with active-low outputs exhibits a LOW on the decimal 12 output,
what are the inputs A3A2A1A0 =

a. 1010

b. 1110

c. 1100

d. 0100

96: A BCD-to-7-segment decoder has 0100 on its inputs. The active outputs are

a. a,c,f,g

b. b,c,f,g

c. b,c,e,f

d. b,d,e,g

97: If an octal-to-binary priority encoder has its 0,2,5, and 6 inputs at the active level, the
active HIGH binary output is

a. 110

b. 010

c. 101

d. 000

98: Data distributors are basically the same as

a. Decoders

b. Demultiplexers

c. Multiplexers

d. Encoders

99: Which of the following is a peripheral unit of a computer

a. Arithmetic and logic unit

b. Control unit

c. Memory unit

d. Keyboard

100: A 10-bit address bus support . . . . . . memory addresses

a. 100

b. 1000

c. 1024

d. 102

101: A bus that is used to transfer information both to and from the microprocessor is the

a. Address bus

b. Data bus

c. Both a and b

d. None

102: A system bus is composed of . . . . . . bus(es)

a. Address bus

b. Data bus

c. System bus

d. All

103: The bit capacity of a memory that has 512 addresses and can store 8 bits at each
address is

a. 512

b. 1024

c. 2048

d. 4096

104: A 16-bit word consists of

a. 3 bytes

b. 4 nibbles

c. 4 bytes

d. 3 bytes and 1 nibble

105: A ROM is a

a. Nonvolatile memory

b. Volatile memory

c. Read/write memory

d. Byte-organized memory

106: A memory with 512 addresses has

a. 512 address lines

b. 12 address lines

c. 1 address line

d. 9 address lines

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