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Electromagnetic Theory-II / Electrodynamics-II

1: A Moving car will produce

a. Electric field

b. Magnetic field

c. Both

d. No field

2: Current is flowing in two long parallel conductors in the same direction. The conductors … each other

a. Are inclined to

b. Repel

c. Attract

d. Neither attract nor repel

3: Cathode rays enter in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to direction of field. In magnetic field their path will be

a. Circle

b. Parabolic

c. Straight line

d. Elliptical

4: The force experienced by a charged particle in magnetic field is maximum when particle move in a direction

a. Perpendicular to

b. Parallel to

c. Is at rest

d. None of these

5: A particle moving in a magnetic field has an increase in its velocity then the radius of circle

a. Becomes half

b. Increase

c. Decrease

d. Remains same

6: If relative permeability of a substance is 0.79, then it is …. Material

a. Diamagnetic

b. Paramagnetic

c. Ferromagnetic

d. None of these

7: An electron enters a magnetic field acting vertically downward with a velocity v from east. The electron is deflected along

a. South

b. North

c. Southeast

d. Northeast

8: A charged particle moves through a magnetic field in a direction perpendicular to it. Then … remains unchanged

a. Direction

b. Speed

c. Velocity

d. Acceleration

9: Magnetic dipole moment is defined as

a. \mu=\frac{I}{A}

b. \mu=\frac{A}{I}

c. \mathbf{\mu}=\mathbf{IA}

d. None of these

10: Which define the relation between magnetic torque an magnetic dipole moment

a. \vec{\mathbf{\tau}}=\vec{\mathbf{\mu}}\times\vec{\mathbf{B}}

b. \vec{\tau}=\vec{\mu}\cdot\vec{B}

c. \vec{\tau}=-\vec{\mu}\cdot\vec{B}

d. None of these

11: Which of the following parameter is used to assess the magnetic ability of material?

a. Susceptibility

b. Magnetization

c. Magnetic flux

d. All

12: For a diamagnetic material, which of the following statement is correct?

a. \mu_r>2

b. \mathbf{\mu}_\mathbf{r}<\mathbf{1}

c. \mu_r>1

d. \mu_r=10

3: With an increase in the area of hysteresis curve, Power loss will?­­

a. Increase

b. Decrease

c. First increase and then decrease

d. None

14: For a paramagnetic material, which of the following statement is correct?

a. \mu_r>2

b. \mu_r<1

c. \mathbf{\mu_r>1}

d. \mu_r=10

15: The unit of relative permeability is

a. Henry/meter

b. Henry

c. Henry/sq.m

d. It is dimensionless

16: The magnetic field intensity of an infinite sheet of charge with charge density 36.5 units in air will be

a. 18.25

b. 11.25

c. 73

d. 1/36.5

17: For time varying current, the field or waves will be

a. Electrostatic

b. Electrical

c. Electromagnetic

d. All

18: Lenz law devised a rule to find out the direction of

a. Current induced in circuit

b. Electromagnetic difference

c. Potential difference

d. Flow of power in fuse

19: What is the SI unit of mutual inductance

a. Ohm

b. Henry

c. Volt

d. Siemens

20: If we increase the current in an inductor, self-inductance of the inductor will

a. Decrease

b. Increase

c. Remains same

d. First decrees, and then increase

21: Which of the following is expression for Lorentz force

a. qE

b. q(V\times B)

c. ma+qE

d. \mathbf{qE}+\mathbf{q}\left(\mathbf{V}\times\mathbf{B}\right)

22: In a vacuum or free space what observations are made?

a. \rho=\rho_\circ,\ \ \ J=0

b. \rho=0,\ \ \ J=J_\circ

c. \mathbf{\rho}=\mathbf{0},\ \ \ \mathbf{J}=\mathbf{0}

d. None

23: Which of the following laws, do not form Maxwell equation

a. Plank’s law

b. Gauss’s law

c. Faraday’s law

d. Ampere’s law

24: The divergence of which quantity will be zero

a. \vec{E}

b. \vec{D}

c. \vec{\mathbf{B}}

d. \vec{H}

25: Find the Maxwell’s equation derived from Faraday’s law

a. Div\left(H\right)=J

b. Div\left(D\right)=I

c. \mathbf{curl(E=-\frac{dB}{dt}}

d. None

26: Find the Maxwell’s equation derived from Ampere’s law

a. Div\left(I\right)=H

b. Div\left(H\right)=J

c. \mathbf{curl}\left(\mathbf{H}\right)=\mathbf{J}

d. curl\left(B\right)=D

27: The Faraday’s law states about which type of EMF

a. Transformer EMF

b. Back EMF

c. Both “a” and “b”

d. None

28: In which of the following forms, can Maxwell’s equation not be represented?

a. Static

b. Differential

c. Integral

d. Harmonic

29: In metal which of the following equation will hold good

a. \mathbf{curl}\left(\mathbf{H}\right)=\mathbf{J}

b. curl\left(J\right)=\frac{dD}{dt}

c. curl\left(H\right)=D

d. All

30: The charge build up in the capacitor is due to which quantity

a. Conduction current

b. Displacement current

c. Conversion current

d. Direct current

31: The Maxwell second equation that is valid in any conductor is

a. \mathbf{curl}\left(\mathbf{H}\right)=\mathbf{Jc}

b. curl\left(E\right)=Jc

c. curl\left(E\right)=Jd

d. curl\left(H\right)=Jd

32: Maxwell’s equation relates to

a. Law of gravitation

b. Basic law of electromagnetism

c. Laws of electrostatic

d. All

33: Which of the following does not represent the Maxwell’s equation

a. \oint{\vec{\mathbf{E}}\cdot\mathbf{d}\vec{\mathbf{A}}}=\frac{\mathbf{q}}{\mathbf{\epsilon}_\circ}

b. \oint{\vec{B}\cdot d\vec{A}}=0

c. \oint{\vec{E}\cdot d\vec{L}}=-\frac{d\vec{B}}{dt}

d. None

34: Polarization of light establishes that, light has

a. Wave nature

b. particle nature

c. Transverse nature

d. All

35: Electromagnetic waves are produced by

a. A static charge

b. An accelerated charge

c. A moving charge

d. Charged particle

36: The direction in which electromagnetic waves propagate is the same as that of

a. \vec{\mathbf{E}}\times\vec{\mathbf{B}}

b. \vec{B}\times\vec{E}

c. \vec{E}

d. \vec{B}

37: In EM waves, the phase difference between electric field and magnetic field vector is

a. Zero

b. \frac{\mathbf{\pi}}{\mathbf{2}}

c. π

d. \frac{\pi}{3}

38: Monochromatic plane wave is also termed as

a. Harmonic plane

b. Dichromatic plane

c. Both “a” and “b”

d. None

39: Monochromatic plane has always

a. Variable frequency

b. Constant frequency

c. Infinite frequency

d. Zero frequency

40: A plane wave in free space has an average poyonting vector of 1wm-2. The average energy density is

a. 1.0\ nj/m^3

b. 3.3\ nj/m^3

c. \mathbf{2}\ \mathbf{nj}/\mathbf{m}^\mathbf{3}

d. 4.4\ nj/m^3 

41: Collective dipole moment per unit volume is

a. Susceptibility

b. Permeability

c. Polarization

d. Unpolarization

42:  In oscillating electron model frictional force is proportional to

a. Displacement

b. Velocity

c. Acceleration

d. None

43: Beyond resonance, however, when \omega\gg\omega_\circ, and E have …. Signs

a. Positive

b. Negative

c. Same

d. Opposite

44: In homogenous dielectric, the internal charge density is

a. One

b. Infinite

c. Zero

d. Cannot predict

45: Which oscillations are more important in determining refractive index

a. Ionic

b. Electronic

c. Zero

d. Infinite

46: The region in which nR decreases with frequency is the region of …. Dispersion

a. Normal

b. Anomalous

c. Zero

d. Infinite

47: To determine oscillator strength for a given transition, require the application of.

a. Classical Theory

b. Electromagnetic Theory

c. Quantum Theory

d. Electronic Theory

48: Chauchy’s relations are used to describe

a. Normal dispersion

b. Anomalous dispersion

c. Polarization

d. Reflection

49: The plasma frequency depends upon

a. Velocity

b. Temperature

c. Size of particle

d. Colour of particles

50: Which phenomena could not be explained by classical free electron theory?

a. Photoelectric effect

b. Compton effect

c. Black body radiation

d. None of above

51: If speed of light were infinity instead of  then moving mass will become

a. \infty

b. 2m_\circ

c. \mathbf{m}_\circ

d. Zero

52: A frame of reference which remains at rest or moves with uniform velocity is called

a. Uniform frame

b. Variable frame

c. Inertial frame

d. Non-inertial frame

53: According to special theory of relativity, the law of physics are same in all

a. Inertial frame

b. Non-inertial frame

c. Accelerated frame

d. All of these

54: Two photons recede from each other. Their relative velocity will be

a. 2C

b. C

c. Zero

d. C/2

55: Decay of -messon supports

a. Length contraction

b. Time dilation

c. Relativity of mass

d. Simultaneity

56: The postulate of special theory of relativity are applicable to

a. Stationary frame

b. Accelerated frame

c. Inertial frame

d. All of above

57: The statement “all inertial frames are equivalent” is called principal of

a. Inertia

b. Relative motion

c. Equivalence

d. Correspondence

58: Velocity of light in free space

a. \sqrt{\epsilon_\circ\mu_\circ}

b. \frac{\mathbf{1}}{\sqrt{\mathbf{\epsilon}<em>\circ\mathbf{\mu}</em>\circ}}

c. \sqrt{\frac{\epsilon_\circ}{\mu_\circ}}

d. None of these

59: Which of the following relation is valid in special theory of relativity

a. \vec{P}=m\vec{v}

b. \vec{F}=m\vec{a}

c. \vec{F}\cdot t=\Delta\vec{P}

d. \vec{\mathbf{F}}=\frac{\mathbf{d}\vec{\mathbf{P}}}{\mathbf{dt}}

60: Special theory of relativity deals with the events in the frame of reference which moves with constant

a. Velocity

b. Acceleration

c. Time interval

d. Momentum

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