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Chapter#3: Maxwell’s Equation in Free Space

All exercise Short Questions of Maxwell’s Equation in Free Space of book Optics for BS/MSc Physics students.

Q.1 what is significance of Maxwell equations?

Answer:  Reference Book Optics by Quanta Publishers, Chapter 3: Maxwell Equations In free space, 1st edition page 62 (Topic: Physical significance of Maxwell’s equations)

Q.2  Explain static Gauss’s law of electric and magnetic waves.

Answer: Reference Book Optics by Quanta Publishers, Chapter 3: Maxwell Equations In free space, 1st edition page 60. (Topics: Maxwell’s 1st equation, Maxwell’s 2nd equation)

Q.3 How can power transported by electromagnetic waves?

Answer: Reference Book Optics by Quanta Publishers, Chapter 3: Maxwell Equations In free space, 1st edition page 69 (Topic: Poynting Vector)

Q.4 What is the significance of Poynting vector?

Answer: Reference Book Optics by Quanta Publishers, Chapter 3: Maxwell Equations In free space, 1st edition page 69 (Topic: 3.4)

Q.5 What do you mean by dispersion relation?

Answer: Reference Book Optics by Quanta Publishers, Chapter: 3  Maxwell Equations In free space, 1st edition page 75 (Topic: 3.7)

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