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Chapter#4: Polarization

All exercise Short Questions of Polarization of book Optics for BS/MSc Physics students.

Q.1 What are the types of polarization?

Answer: Reference Book Optics by Quanta Publishers, Chapter: Polarization, 1st edition page 100 (Topic: States or forms of polarization)

Q.2 What is the role of medium in refraction, reflection of light?

Answer: Refraction is caused by attractive nature of medium. While the reflection is caused by the repulsive nature of the medium.

Q.3 What do you mean by dichoric material?

Answer: Polarization of an EM waves are described by the orientation of the electric field vector . The substances in which except of one component out of all the components are absorbed is called dichoric.

Q.4 Differentiate between polarized and un-polarized light.

Answer: Un-polarized light (in which light spread in different direction) like ordinary light. While in polarized light is specified in one direction

Q.5 Write down the applications of prism.

Answer: Reference Book Optics by Quanta Publishers, Chapter: Polarization, 1st edition page 94 (Topic: 4.4 Prism ) 

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