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Chapter#5: Plasma Con-nement

All Short Questions of Plasma Con-nement for the book Plasma Physics for BS/MSc Physics students.

Q.5.1 What are the conditions for occurrence of fusion.

Q.5.2 Define thermonuclear fusion.

Q.5.3 What are the required factors for controlled fusion reaction

Q.5.4 Existence of life on earth is based on fusion reaction. Justify

Q.5.5 Differentiate D-D and D-T reactions.

Q.5.6 Why fusion reaction is more favorable than fission reaction?

Q.5.7 Calculate the potential barrier for proton-proton fusion.

Q.5.8 Why energy released in fusion reaction is greater than that of in fission reaction?

Q.5.9 Calculate the potential barrier for carbon-Nitrogen fusion.

Q.5.10 Define the ionized state of matter.

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